
7 ways Sleep Affects Wellness in the Workplace

The way we sleep impacts the way we live. And an awful night's rest isn't just unpleasant, it makes everything harder—and erodes the quality, accuracy, and creativity of your work (not to mention impacting your ability to collaborate with colleagues). Explore how sleep quality affects your workday—plus, learn how to get better rest.

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Calm partners with organizations to offer Calm as an employee benefit. Browse our latest Calm for Businessblog posts or share with your HR team to learn more about bringing Calm to your workplace.

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Calm Life


May 2021 Calm Calender

As May is Mental Health Awareness Month, we encourage you to use the Calendar to check in with your mind and take good care of yourself.

Download Free Calendar →

A more restful sleep can start tonight

If you struggle to sleep, you're not alone. The ironic thing is the harder we try, the further we push sleep away. These sessions will guide you to relax your active mind in order the drift off to sleep.

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Sleep Stories

woods slowing meta

3D Soundscapes

milky zen sea

Sleep Meditation

deep letting back
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